I started Floating Yoga School in 2016 after some big life changesĀ led to major soul searching. I loved teaching yoga, but wanted to connect with more people and go deeper. I expanded my Yoga Teacher Training program and started my YouTube channel, and the rest, as they say, is history! :)
My goals are toĀ share yoga in a way that's fun and accessible and to inspire you to take care of yourself in a way that makes sense in your life.Ā
My favorite part of yoga is the peopleĀ it's brought into my life, and I'm so grateful you're here!

I grew up in a suburb of Houston, Texas and have lived in New York City, San Diego, on a sailboat in Florida and the Bahamas, and in Bend, Oregon where my son was born. I've finally settled with my family in Hawaii, am am lucky enough to call Maui home.Ā
I have a BA in Sociology from Rice University and a Master of Public Heath from Columbia University. I've studied nutrition and Reiki, and consider myself a lifelong student.Ā
I've worked in local government, business and wellness consulting, health insurance, hospitality, and marketing, and consider myself a jack-of-all-trades.Ā
"This time last year, I was a frazzled mother of 2, just barely getting by. Thanks toĀ Helen's courses, I'm a happier, healthier person for myself and my family."